Decaffeinated Ceylon Loose Leaf Tea
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Tasting Notes
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Decaffeinated Ceylon
Decaffeination can taste a bit wishy-washy, so we had to pick the base tea very carefully. Because Sri Lankan Ceylon is woody and a little astringent, it's still a tasty caffeine-free tea. It may look a little pale with milk, so give it a try black first.
Fruity, Earthy, Light
CO2 Decaffeinated Ceylon Black Tea
Sri Lanka
Decaffeinated Ceylon and salted caramel popcorn are a dream team. The saltiness works wonders with the fruity notes.

Brewing Decaffeinated Ceylon.

Brewing Decaffeinated Ceylon.
Boiling Water
400ml is perfect for 5g of loose leaf Decaffeinated Tea. If you're using a tea bag, it's 300ml.
Your tea will start tasting bitter if it’s left to brew for too long so if you fancy a stronger cup, add some more tea leaves. For more information, here's our complete guide to brewing loose leaf tea.
Rolled whole leaves. No dust, ever.

Rolled whole leaves.
No dust, ever.
Brewed in over 70,252 kitchens.

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you - unfortunately I do not believe there is any plans to bring in a decaffeinated Assam as of right now.
Have you had a look at the decaffeinated Ceylon and earl Grey?