Ceylon Loose Leaf Tea
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Ceylon is a great all-rounder. We use it in some of our blends because it's such a fresh, versatile leaf, but here it has a chance to shine on its own. It's smooth and slightly rich with some seriously sweet chocolatey notes – especially great with dessert. Try it black first.
Chocolatey, Sweet, Plummy
Ceylon Black Tea
Sri Lanka
Try our Ceylon with a blackcurrant tart. It's a killer combination of sweet, sharp and delicious.

Brewing Ceylon tea.

Brewing Ceylon tea.
Boiling Water
400ml is perfect for 5g of loose leaf Ceylon tea. If you're using a tea bag, 300ml water is bang on.
Your tea will start tasting bitter if it’s left to brew for too long so if you fancy a stronger cup, add some more tea leaves. If you like it lighter, brew for 3 minutes. For more information, here's our complete guide to brewing loose leaf tea.
Rolled whole leaves. No dust, ever.

Rolled whole leaves.
No dust, ever.
Brewed in over 70,252 kitchens.

You will need 5g of loose leaf to make the perfect cup - so approximately 100 cups per 500g box :-)